outer outer .space is for the creative and the curious. 

We* MAKE, LEARN, COLLECT, DO, and SHARE, online and IRL.

Everyone is uniquely creative and curious, and:

About outer outer .space

*“We” is me — jordan (she / her). Hi! I live in San Francisco’s Outer Outer Sunset, where the city meets the sea.

“We” is also a whole constellation of amazing folks — potters and painters, gardeners and artists, writers and musicians, old friends and new pals — who’ve been so so so generous with their ideas and talents and support.

About This website

This website was designed to provide opportunities and encouragement to be creative — a infinite act that, wondrously, means something different to each of us. Poke around, and see what sparks.

It is a labor of love, and a work in progress.

••• MAKE

Projects, passions, pastimes, and sure-why-the-heck-nots.

Explore MAKE for DIYs to try. Click on a project for more info and a guide to give it a go.

••• Collect

Tools, materials, and eclectic supplies.

Explore COLLECT for creative potential in everything from cardboard to rocks to rubber bands. Click on an item in bold to see what you can MAKE with it.


Skills, techniques, and the art of crafts.

Explore LEARN to build foundational know-how. Click on a skill for a how-to and related MAKE projects.

••• DO

IRL events, goings-ons, stuff, and things.

Explore DO for opportunities to meet up, hang, connect, and MAKE in the Outer Outer Sunset (and beyond). Click on an event to see what’s what, where’s where, and when’s when.


Making, learning, collecting, and doing.

Explore SHARE for creative expressions in outer outer .space.

Let’s connect!

If you’d like to say hello, have a chat, or work together, I’d love to hear from you!

If you MAKE something in outer outer .space, I’d love to see!

—> jordankushins •at• gmail •dot• com

And / or sign up below for the latest. ✨